Saturday, November 29, 2008

Many Reasons for Thanksgiving

First published in The Daily Sentinel, Friday, November 28, 2008

As you digested yesterday’s turkey and all the rest, did you reflect on reasons to be thankful? After all, thanks-giving is what this whole holiday is supposed to be about!! (No, it’s not just the day before the biggest shopping day of the year)

I have much to be thankful for this Thanksgiving. I returned from my mission trip to Haiti safely; and as a result of that trip, I am more aware of what we Americans so often take for granted.

I am thankful that I can turn on the water in my bathroom, kitchen, and outdoor spigot at any time and drink the water safely. I am thankful that I have (mostly) uninterrupted electrical service capable of turning on all the lights, electronics, and power tools and appliances in my house with no problem. I am thankful that our sewage system safely and consistently takes away waste products and keeps our homes and businesses clean and pleasant-smelling. I am thankful that I can go to a store and purchase just about anything I can imagine – as long as I have the money to pay for it.

In Haiti, one cannot assume any of those things to be true. The water is not safe to drink. Electrical service is inconsistent and low-powered (I’ve never seen so many 5-watt fluorescent mini-bulbs in my life). Sewers are only in the cities, and only partially effective. The market in Les Cayes (where I stayed) was well stocked with fresh fruit, rice and beans – but not much else. Our efforts to make certain repairs and build certain things at the school and orphanage were often stymied by missing equipment and supplies.

Haiti is a beautiful country filled with many beautiful people, but the country is at least 80 years behind the U.S. in so many ways – especially ones related to basic infrastructure. But I’ve never seen a more resourceful people. How they can do so much with so little is simply amazing! And the hospitality our team received was second to none. A simple “Bon jou!” would be met with mercurial smiles and waves.

I am also thankful for children. The kids at the school and orphanage were incredible – and they thought we “blanca’s” were pretty amazing, too. I sat on a bench at the orphanage as one child after another came up to me and tried to put their fingers around my wrist, upper arm, and ankle. They couldn’t do it – my “big bones” were too big. Then they had me put my fingers around their wrists, arms, and ankles – as Creole murmurs of astonishment were expressed between them. My hair also fascinated them. Straight, silky hair was mesmerizing. And I have enough arm hair that they simply wanted to stroke it like petting a cat. I could have basked in the attention for hours!

I’m thankful for my own family. My wife came to the Detroit Metro airport at midnight to help retrieve our team. By the time we reached home, it was after 1:30 a.m. – but my daughter stayed up to give me a tremendous bear hug as soon as I walked through the door.

Finally, I am eternally grateful to God. The circumstances that allowed me to go on this trip had to have been God-led. Touches of the divine surrounded me throughout my experience, and I am forever changed. What an amazing God to create us with such diversity and unity. American and Haitian, black and white, rich and poor – the differences mattered much less than the commonality we found worshiping the one Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

I pray that you, too, have many reasons to be thankful – perhaps some less obvious, but nevertheless important. In these uncertain economic times, we can still remember to thank God for all that we do have, for all that we can do with what we have, and how we can continue to improve ourselves and others by living in Jesus’ name. As you hang the Christmas decorations, don’t let go of Thanksgiving too quickly. An attitude of gratitude will make your Christmas spirit that much better during the next four weeks!

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:6-7 NIV)

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