Just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written: "Be holy, because I am holy." ~ 1 Peter 1:15-16
Holy means set apart; to be out of the ordinary. Its easy to see how that applies to God. By his very nature, God must be extra-ordinary. But what about us? How do we become holy?
John Wesley tried to answer that question in the early 18th century. He discovered that a methodical approach to daily practicing Christian habits - acts of service and acts of worship - brought about real change in people's lives. God used their methods to make them holy. And thus, the people called Methodists were formed.
I believe Wesley's theology is profoundly relevant to 21st century Christian faith and practice, and I am proud to claim my part of this Wesleyan heritage today. I invite you to join with me to seek the ways in which God makes holiness out of the ordinary.